91 S. Ocean Blvd.

N. Myrtle Beach, SC

(843) 273-0977

Call for more info

Sundays 9:00am

Online streaming

Live at Ocean Drive Pavilion Church

Our service is broadcasted live each Sunday at 9:00am. 

Jim Brinegar's Past Sermons




Jim Brinegar has preached the Good News of Jesus Christ for 45 years (13 of those as an Army Chaplin). 

We believe you will learn from and enjoy his sermons just as we do.  


Beaver's Past Sermons

Ocean Drive Pavilion Church, formerly known as “The Church of the Lost and Found”, was founded in 1998 by Evangelist JP “Beaver” Greenway. While Beaver is no longer with us here on earth today, many of his messages have been preserved.

The link below will bring you to Beaver’s past audio and video messages. The website where these sermons are found is maintained by his family.




Jim Brinegar has preached the Good News of Jesus Christ for 45 years (13 of those as an Army Chaplin). 

We believe you will learn from and enjoy his sermons just as we do.